DEMO 1: This video shows the strong visual identity of the concept and how the visual system works for the APP design.

Studento was a case study I designed during my UX_UI bootcamp at Ironhack Lisbon. The class was asked to completely re-brand and reinvent an imaginary online learning company with a brief to develop training segments on Yoga, Language skills, Cooking classes and music lessons. I was starting the project with an extensive consumer insights research around online training companies and interviewed real working teachers about their training expertise (online and real classes) to create a wish list of what’s missing in today’s modern online training modules. Sorting the information using an Affinity diagram I also created an empathy map and several user personas before starting the works on the low, mid and high fidelity protype.
DEMO 1: This video shows the strong visual identity of the concept and how the visual system works for the APP design.